Council Meeting on 16th September 2024

Notes of a Regular Council Meeting held on Monday 16th September 2024 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage.

Present                        Councillors:  Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Jones

Apologies:                   None

In Attendance           Mr. Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Declarations of Interest  – None declared.
  •  Minutes            Minutes of meeting held on 4th July 2024 were proposed to be accepted by Cllr. Martin Cox, seconded by Cllr. Sheila Fisher, agreed and signed by the Chair.
  • .Ongoing Matters in Consideration
  • Traffic Speed at Scurlage – No response from City Council.
  • Traffic Speed on Port Eynon Hill – No response from City Council.
  • Port Eynon Village Green – Application for transfer of ownership from City Council (made in May 2022). Clerk advised that the officer dealing with this in the City Council was no longer an employee and attempts to resurrect the matter by telephone and e-mail had been unsuccessful. He had  written on 14th Feb. to C&CS Corporate Property and awaited a response.
  • Scurlage Village Green. Council had requested that an approach be made to Sketty Housing to replace missing posts on the edge of the green at several locations. Clerk was to follow up.
  • Defibrillator at Scurlage Cllr. R. Fisher advised that he had been in Contact with Gower Medical Practice and that they were no longer prepared to contribute to the cost of a new 24 hour access unit. The new owners of the shop had been approached and they had expressed agreement to the siting of a unit on the external wall. Cllr. Rob Fisher to arrange with the handyman.
  • Flooding and Drainage – No further action.
  • Finance

Clerk advised that the only payments made were for gardening services. The second tranche of the Precept income had been received.

Clerk advised that he was in receipt of three paym,ent demands from the Welsh audit Office for audit services in each of the years 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. Amounting in total to over £1,000. These were the first invoices to be received following the change of audit service arrangements several  years ago. Whilst the Council has budgeted each year a sum for audit services this is not carried forward and the claim now made is significantly greater than the current budget allowance and will impact on other spending provisions in the current year. Council agreed that the payments were to be made and caution to be exercised for the remainder of this year.

  • Planning             

Clerk advised that there were three current applications to be considered, as per the Agenda Notice and Council had the following observations:

2024/1380/FUL– The Village Shop, Monksland Road, Scurlage

First Floor and Side  Extension

Council considered the application, and had the following comments:

The proposed extensions are stated to be for the purpose of creating living accommodation, presumably associated with the retail premises, any approval granted should be specifically for that purpose and not for a short term holiday let.

Whilst two parking spaces are indicated for sole use of the occupant of the residential premises one of them negates access to the store room and rubbish collection point associated with the retail premises.

No amenity space is provided in the application for the use of the occupants of the residential premises.

The creation of four dormer windows in the first floor extension will result in a poor elevation at this prominent site overlooking the village green and would not be compatible with neighbouring properties.

Council by majority considered that this proposed extension constituted over development of a confined site and which was most likely aimed at achieving holiday let accommodation. The proposal was not supported.

2024/1593/PRE – The Old Lifeboat House, Port Eynon SA3 1NN

Single Storey Rear & Side Extension

Council considered the application, and had the following comments:

The proposal is for a Certificate of Lawful Development in relation to recent conversion of the previous youth hostel into upgraded combination of hostel style and ‘Airbnb’ accommodation providing  a total of ten bedrooms. The single track unpaved access lane serves three other residential properties, all deliveries and access to the boat launching jetty. It has to be kept clear for access by emergency vehicles and public health services.

There is no mains drainage connection to the property and the present treatment/storage facility needs considerable improvement to cope with the additional load now generated and current public health standards.

The amenity space provision is inadequate for such a concentrated development.

There is no provision for private car parking and the nearest available parking is in the public car park which is closed from 20:00 to 08:00.

Council by majority considered that this proposed extension constituted over development of a confined site aimed at achieving holiday let accommodation to the detriment of the village of Port Eynon. The proposal was not supported.

2024/1582 PLD No 5 Monksland Road, Scurlage, SA3 1AY

Single storey Side/Rear Extension

Council considered the application and noted that the proposed alterations have already been completed.

It was noted that the proposed extension replaced existing store rooms with useful further living accommodation.

Council by majority considered that this proposed extension presented no detrimental effect to the property or to the neighbourhood and would support the granting of a Certificate of Lawful Development.

  • Highways

Cllr’s  expressed concern over the extent of parking on the main road at Knelston Primary School during school hours which frequently led to large vehicles finding it impossible to obtain safe passage.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised that he had nothing to report.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Clerk had nothing to report.

  • Defibrillators

Clerk to explore possibility of transferring inspections and maintenance to a commercial organisation.

  1. Village Halls

Port Eynon Hall –  Cllr. S. Fisher advised of matters considered at recent meetings of the Port Eynon Village Hall Committee.

Llandewi Hall – Clerk advised that he had received a letter from from the Trustee Mr. Alun Walter seeking clarification that there had been no progress in in the considerations of the Community Council to take up active involvement. All agreed that the  Clerk should now re-activate the negotiations with the Trustees.

  1. Knelston School

Cllr. Sheila Fisher advised that she would approach the new Head about the Council resuming its meetings at the school premises.

  1. Village Greens

Port Eynon – nothing to report

Scurlage – Clerk to follow up on replacement of timber posts.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised that discussions concerning the roadside hedge continued among the Trustees..

12.   Any Other Business – None considered.

Next meeting –  Monday 28th October at The Old Pharmacy.