Minutes of Council Meeting

Notes of a Regular Council Meeting jointly held on Monday 24th July 2023 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage, following the Annual General Meeting.

Present                    Councillors: Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, and Gareth Jones

Apologies:               None

In Attendance         Mr. Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

                                Mr. Bryn Davies and Ms. Charlotte Evans residents of Scurlage village.

  1. Declarations of Interest  – None
  •  Minutes          It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the notes of the meeting held on Monday 19th June 2023 be accepted as a true record and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • .Ongoing Matters in Consideration
  • Traffic Speed at Scurlage – No response from City Council. Clerk tabled a speed display board priced at approximately £5,000 for consideration. Noted that this would require agreement of City Council to implement which was unlikely to be forthcoming.
  • Traffic Speed on Port Eynon Hill – No response from City Council.
  • Llanddewi Village Hall – A joint meeting with the Trustees was held on 23rd March. Actions arising from that meeting are to be addressed by the Clerk.
  • Defibrillators –New unit at Knelston Garage was awaiting installation.
  • Highfield Caravan Park – Site inspection required to evaluate potential planning breaches.
  • Notice Board at Port Eynon – It was agreed that Council should proceed with purchase of a board and posts to replace the board on the corner of St. Cattwg’ Churchyard, ALSO to purchase an additional board for fixing on the wall of the bus shelter. Clerk to place orders.
  • MotoCross activities at Margam Corner. Clerk had received response to the submitted Planning complaint advising that submitted complaint indicated that the activities were too infrequent to warrant investigation and control measures. Additional monitoring is required.
  • Finance

Clerk had circulated the following list of items/actions requested by Councillors in past few meetings with request that this be reviewed.

Notice Board replacement near St Cattwg’s Church                                                                   

As present board from Greenbarnes and including new posts                                                                   £1250

Cost of erection, etc. allow                                                                                                                                £200

New Notice board affixed to bus shelter in Port Eynon

From Greenbarnes, 4xA4 size aluminium frame                                                                                           £420

Cost of fixings and installation, allow                                                                                                               £100

Replacement defibrillator for Scurlage medical centre                                                                              

Zoll AED Plus fully automatic with free case from British Heart Fdn                                                         £1250

Defibrillator External heated cabinet

From British Heart Foundation                                                                                                                         £575

Man made timber seat at Overton Green                                                                                                      £720

From Fairway

Ground anchors and fitting                                                                                                                                £100                                      

Man made timber seat at Overton Green                                                                                                      £720

From Fairway

Ground anchors and fitting                                                                                                                                £100

                                                                                                                TOTAL                                                    5,435

It was agreed to defer replacement of the Notice Board near St Cattwg’s Church pending receipt of further precept payments and to proceed with all other items.

  • Planning           

Clerk confirmed that he had circulated notice of recent applications and decisions.


3rd July

9 Milestone Court Scurlage Swansea SA3 1AX

Ref. No: 2023/1051/FUL | Received: Wed 10 May 2023 | Validated: Tue 16 May 2023

REFUSED for the following reasons;

 1             The access driveway serving the site is of a sub-standard width that does not allow two cars to pass one another and is devoid of segregated footways.

2.             The proposed holiday let would result in increased levels of vehicular movements to and from the site, which given the substandard nature of the access driveway, which be to the detrimental of highway and pedestrian safety, contrary to Policies T5 and T6 of the Swansea Local Development Plan (2019).



1 Milestone Court Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AX

Ref. No: 2023/1508/FUL | Received: Wed 12 Jul 2023 | Validated: Mon 17 Jul 2023 | 

Attached garage 

Council considered the application and were of the view that it would have no detrimental effect to neighbouring properties or the environment and that it could be recommended for approval.

Llandewi Castle Farm Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AU

Ref. No: 2023/1352/DOC | Received: Wed 21 Jun 2023 | Validated: Mon 17 Jul 2023 Discharge of conditions 3,5 and 7 of Planning Permission 2022/2167/FUL granted 16th March 2023 Open for comment icon

Council considered the application and unanimously found it to be acceptable.

  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

Council discussed the forthcoming imposition of 20 moh zones.

Noted that City Council had responded to the complaint notice regarding blocked surface water drainage at Overton Lane.

Councillors Fisher reported that there were problems with surface water drainage in the vicinity of 15 Salisbury Close.

  • Correspondence

Clerk had nothing to report.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Web site – It was agreed that the photo’s and contact details for Councillors should be updated. Noted that a link to Rhossilli Hub should be incorporated.

Clerk to provide keys to enable each Councillor to access and maintain boards in their vicinity.

Noted that there were plans for the Pay Phone at Port Eynon car park to be reinstated.

  • Defibrillators

Brought forward was a  new cabinet for the unit at Port Eynon Amenities Block and installation of a new unit plus cabinet for garage.

New cabinet was required for the unit at Scurlage Medical Centre. After discussion it was agreed to move this unit to The Old Pharmacy as this would be more central to the population of the village. Clerk to write to Medical Centre to appraise them of this decision.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon Hall –  Cllr. R. Fisher confirmed his attendance at the monthly meetings of the Management Committee.

It was noted that no action had been taken to repair erosion at the start of the paved drive and that the Management Committee should be pressed to address this problem.

Llandewi Hall – Clerk to review outcomes of joint meeting with Hall Trustees.

  • Knelston Burial Ground.

There was nothing to report.

  • Port Eynon Sea-Front Improvements

It was noted that no further communications had been received. Freedom of Information request had not been responded to. Clerk confirmed that he had lodged a further FOI request.

  1. Any Other Business

Noted that several posts along the edge of Scurlage Green, fronting the shop needed replacement. Clerk to investigate costing.

Next meeting –  Monday 18th September 2023, 7 pm, at The Old Pharmacy.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

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Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                           Robert Fisher (Chair)