Agenda Notice for council Meeting on 21st January 2019

Monthly Meeting – Monday 21st January 2019.

To be held at Knelston Primary School at 7:00 p.m.




  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting (18th November 2018)
  4. Matters Arising from Minutes
  5. Financial Report & Expenditure
  6. Planning – Applications & Outcomes
  7. Highways, Environment & Footpaths
  8. Correspondence
  9. Communication – Notice Boards, web site, etc.
  10. Port Eynon & Llandewi Village Halls
  11. Knelston Burial Ground
  12. Any Other Business
Correspondence from: Agenda item:
C&CS – Weekly Lists of Planning Applications 6
One Voice Wales – Notice of courses, etc. 8


Planning Applications for consideration (Agenda item 6): Also see attached.


Ref. No. Address Brief Description
2018/2529 Adj to Murmur Y Llanw, Overton Revised tree protection & planting
2018/2712 Oddington, Overton Lane, Overton Single storey front extension
2018/2728 Field 7000, Burry Diary Farm Large Agricultural Building
2018/2521 Land adj A4118, Lower Scurlage 31 new build dwelling houses