Minutes of Council Meeting held in April 2018

Port Eynon Community Council


Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on 16th April 2018 at Knelston Primary School.


Present                  Councillors Martin Cox Gareth Evans Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Jones,


Apologies              Cllr. Steven Young


In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;


Chair                       Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair.


Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the minutes of the last meeting held on 26th February 2018 had been circulated to all Councillors, displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site.

Some typographical errors were corrected.

It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Gareth Evans that the minutes be accepted as agreed by all.


Declarations of Interest      – There were none stated.


Matters Arising

VILLAGE GREENS: Clerk advised that he was still awaiting advice as to when the installation of timber posts would be carried out.

Clerk also advised that he was in receipt of a revised and reduced quotation for the new path across the green in the amount of £…….. Council agreed that this was an acceptable expenditure and directed Clerk to accept the quotation.

Chair advised that he had been in discussion with a monumental mason who had advised that a suitable piece of stone could be purchased for less than £1,000 and engraved at a cost of £2 per letter. Chair would further these discussions


NOTICE BOARDS –Clerk confirmed that he had written to VHMC requiring that their key be returned. He ahd also contacted Green Barnes, supplier of the boards, as to whether the locks could be changed or enhanced.


STORM WATER DRAINAGE: Cllr. Gareth Evans advised that there had been no action taken by City Council to alleviate the flow of storm water down Port Eynon hill; and that he would continue to press the Council to act on this.


LANE TO YOUTH HOSTEL – Cllr. Martin Cox advised that no work had been undertaken to regrade the lane. Clerk advised that he had raised this issue with C&CS who had confirmed that the fence posts were place in agreement with the established land boundaries.


MONKSLAND ROAD – Noted that there was still no action by C&CS to repair the carriageway. Cllr. Robert Fisher had queried the area adjoining Muddy Gap and whether this should have been landscaped as part of the building contract. Clerk advised that he had reviewed the development plans and this area was not included in the landscape proposals.


PORT EYNON CAR PARK – Clerk advised that the current contract arrangements were for the car park at Port Eynon to be closed at 8 p.m. Council requested that this be raised with C&CS Foreshore Manager..


KNELSTON SCHOOL – Clerk tabled proposlal and quotation for tree seats. Council agreed to fund two seats and Cllr S. fisher would further arrangements with the Head Teacher.


Finance                  Clerk advised that there had been no payments or receipts since the last meeting.


Committed expenditure was presently:

Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000

Scurlage Village Green works – £8,000

Knelston School benches to play areas – £2,000


Council discussed the possibility of erecting improved ‘Village Awareness Signs’. It was agreed to make a budget allowance of £3,000 for three signs on the approaches to Scurlage.


Planning                 Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered.



2017/2448 Field 7000, Burry – New detached dwelling house.

Council noted that the application was for a relatively large house set in open fields and remote from the adjacent highway. The proposed property would be served by Trumpet Lane which was at present a rural bridleway/footpath. Council considered the planning statement and noted that the house was described as an ‘Essential Agricultural Workers Dwelling’ required to support a relatively new farm holding. Whilst sympathetic to the establishment of a new agricultural business Council were of the opinion that the size of the dwelling was not in keeping with the area and that the location represented unnecessary intrusion into the countryside.

Decision pending.


2018/0266 ‘Highfield’ Port Eynon – Change of use of outbuilding to provide for a gin distillery and use of garage as a bonded store.

Council considered the application and were in general agreement that the application could be supported.

Application approved on 5th April 2018


2018/0409 ‘South Gower Sports Club’ Scurlage – Use of the complete lower football field for up to 100 units of camping on the 30th June; 7th/8th July; 26th to 30th July and 24th to 27th August (all inclusive).

Council considered the application and noted that in principle it was similar to an application granted the previous year other than the dates and that the events were generally of longer periods. Council noted that the club had made considerable effort in the previous year to limit environmental disturbance, and in the belief that these efforts would be maintained it was agreed that the application could be supported.

Temporary Permission granted on 5th April 2018.




2018/0556 Val Cottage, Port Eynon – Two storey side Extension.

Council considered the application and were in agreement that the extension would enhance the property and would not detract from the neighbourhood. It was agreed to support the application.


2018/0776 Scurlage Farm, Berry lane, Scurlage – Use of field for polytunnel cultivation, conversion of farm buildings to a café and shop.

Council considered the application in two parts.

Firstly use of the field for polytunnel cultivation of soft fruit. Council had no objection to the proposal.

Secondly, conversion of the existing farm buildings and yard to a shop, café and associated parking. Council in general supported the proposed conversion of the existing farm building to a retail use and provision of a café.

Council however noted that conversion of the existing yards to public car parking may require re-grading and res-surfacing which could lead to additional surface water run-off and/or additional positive drainage discharging to the adjacent ditch and piped drainage. The area and adjacent private housing had been subject to recent severe flooding and any development should include positive measures to reduce run-off. Council also noted that the creation of a shop and café would lead to an increase in traffic movements through the present junction of Berry lane with the A4118 Port Eynon Road. This junction has a very sub-standard arrangement with limited visibility and any development of the proposed nature should include for improvement of the road junction for both vehicles and pedestrians.


Highways and Footpaths


Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that there had still been no action by City council to rectify the road surface of Monksland Road and that the extent of potholes now rendered the road dangerous to both pedestrians and motorists.


Cllr. Steve young informed that he had received an approach from Mrs. Pat Stafford of Salisbury Close for Council to fund the creation of additional paved parking spaces in Salisbury Close. Council noted that alterations to the highways, verges and parking arrangements were not matters that the Community Council could undertake, they would however yet again refer the problem of parking in Salisbury Close to C&CS Highways Department and to Sketty Housing Assn.


Cllr Steve Young also brought Council’s attention to recent problem of flooding at the top of Berry Lane where there is a low lying section of the lane. Agreed that Council would look at the ditch drainage, or lack of ditch drainage, at this location.




Clerk advised that he had received a number of communications as follows;

C&CS – From Peter Beynon advising that Gower AONB were considering extending the present board walk from Borfa House through to Horton.

One Voice wales – Notice of area Committee Meeting to be held on Monday 23rd Aoril.

Mrs. A. Hancock enquiring about possibility of placing a plaque on the salt House walls

South Wales Police – letter of introduction from new area police officer.

Gower First Responders – acknowledgement of grant made to their appeal.




Clerk had nothing to report.


Village Halls

Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that he had attended the April meeting of the Port Eynon Village Hall Committee. He advised that the VHMC reiterated their claim to the wayleave payments received from Western Power. There were no new issues.


Clerk/Chair advised that there had been no further communications with the Llanddewi Village Hall Trustees/


Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised that there was nothing to report.


Any Other Business


Cllr. Evans enquired if Council wished to proceed with further bramble clearance at Port Eynon this year. Agreed to engage the same contractor; and Cllr. Evans offered to arrange for this to be done.




Next meeting – 21st May 2018 at 7 pm following the Annual General Meeting.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8: 45 pm.



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Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)