2017/2288 Murmur Y Llanw, Overton Lane, SA3 1NR
Addition of first floor to existing bungalow to provide further living accommodation including front and rear dormers and 2 no. front roof lights, two storey rear extension, two storey side exrension, front porch, fenestration alterations and widening of driveway.
2017/2392 OUTLINE Dinglebank, Knelston, SA3 1AR
Land adjacent to Dinglebank, Reynoldston, Swansea, SA3 1AR
Detached dwelling and detached garage
2017/2488 The Green, Overton, SA3 1NR
Two storey, part single storey rear extension and installation of rear roof lights
2017/2448 Field 7000, Burry, Reynoldston SA3 1BE
Agricultural workers dwelling and detached garage.