Draft minutes of meeting held on 16th January 2017





Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 17th  January 2017 at the Village Hall, Port Eynon.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                   Cllr. G. Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones,



Apologies for Absence:            Cllr. Mrs. Lynda Newland, Cllr Mrs. Ann Scott and Cllr A. Milligan


In attendance:                         Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                          Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


Declarations of Interest:         None



001/17 Minutes of Last Meeting (December 2016):


The minutes, as corrected, were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. G. Jones, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


002/17.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Village Greens –pending receipt of quoatations.


War Memorial – pending source of suitable stone.


Llanddewi Corner – Clerk to follow up with City Council on grid placed over drainage channel.


Donations to Churches – Clerk to clarify reported changes to Finance Act which may prevent community Councils making donations to local churches.


003/17.  Finance:


Clerk advised that there had been no income or expenditure in the past month. The bank balances were presently as follows:


Current Account           £9,460

Savings Account           £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account           £675


Clerk advised that he had received notification for renewal of Council’s insurance policy and quotation from existing insurers AON in the amount of £….. Cllr G Evans proposed to renew with AON and with no change to present policy. Seconded by Cllr G Jones and agreed by all.


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon Village Green improvements – £2,000.





004/17.  Planning:


From Previous applications



2016/1384 St David’s Church, LLanddewi – Removal of deteriorated interior plaster and cement; and replacement with lime based plaster. Council unanimously agreed to support the proposal. Under consideration.


2016/3184 Frogmoor Cottages, Frogmoor – Removal of planning condition and extension for further five years. Council unanimously agreed they had no objections. Application granted on 13th December 2016.


New applications :


2016/3587 Foxwood, Overton Lane – conversion of outbuilding into two bedroom cottage. Council unanimously agreed to support the application. Proposed by Cllr Evans and seconded by Cllr S Fisher.


005/17 Highways & Footpaths.


Nothing to report.


006/17 Correspondence:


Clerk advised on various items of correspondence as follows


Swansea Area Committee -notice of meeting (clerk to advise apologies)


C&CS Parks Dept – Advice re planting of flower beds at Scurlage Green (confirmed to proceed)


007/17 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


008/17 Village Halls


Port Eynon – Cllr Fisher advised that the VHMC had met with MP Byron Davies in January, but he received notification after the event.


Llandewi Hall – Meeting with Trustees to be arranged by Clerk.


009/17  Knelston Primary School – nothing to consider.


010/17 Newsletter –  Cllr S Fisher advised that she would explore and alternative to Mr Tony Wright of AW Graphics.


011/17 Any Other Business:

Cllr. G Evans sought agreement to repeat the bramble clearance at the dune areas in Port Eynon. Agreed by all.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 20th February 2017 at 7:30 pm  in the  Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 8:30 pm.                                                        Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher