Council Meeting on 16th March 2015

Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 16th March 2015 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Mr. G.Evans, Mr. R. Fisher, Mr. G. Jones, Mrs. Sheila Fisher


Apologies for Absence:         Mr. Tom Roderick. and Mrs. L. Newland.


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher re:planning application 2014/690..


091/14.  Declarations of Interest:     None


092/14 Minutes of Last Meeting (November 2014):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Evans, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. G. Jones and agreed by all. The minutes were then signed by the chairperson.


093/14.  Matters Arising:


Defibrillators. Clerk advised that an application had been made to the Lottery Fund and he was awaiting the outcome. Clerk confirmed that the locations he had identified for the purpose of the grant application were as follows:

Port Eynon – Car Park Amenity Building (with electrical power)

Port Eynon – Village Hall (with electrical power)

Llandewi – Village Hall (with electrical power)

Scurlage –  The Old Pharmacy

Knelston – The Burial Ground (no power) OR school OR garage


New entrance created off the A4118 at Moor Corner and the removal of the hedge row between two fields. Letter received from C&CS Planning Enforcement advising that matter was under investigation.


094/14.  Finance:


Clerk advised that the bank balances were unchanged, as follows:


Current Account         £82

Savings Account         £13,453

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Defibrillators (5 no) – £5,000 – Lottery Grant funding applied for.

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.




095/14.  Planning:


From previous applications:


2014/0417 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 units of new housing.. Councillors had raised concern on the following-

The density of the development and the lack of provision of gardens.

The overlooking issues between the new units and the established properties in Salisbury Close; The reliance of soakaways for drainage which are sited below the ground water table;

The failure to acknowledge the flooding which had occurred for several years;

The extensive hard paving which would further exacerbate flooding;

The reliance on Monksland Road for access which is of substandard width and already suffers from parking and access problems;

The loss of seven existing communal car park spaces which would exacerbate current difficulties; The lack of parking spaces within the planned development;

The failure of similar developments to provide long term social housing as they had been purchased and sold on the open market, most often for holiday homes.

Council were unanimous in recommending that planning approval should not be given until these issues had been addressed. Decision pending.

*[ Chair advised that revised plans had been submitted (see planning portal web site) but

Clerk noted that revised plans had not been circulated for comment.]

*Understood to having been approved by C&CS Planning Committee and now awaiting WAG Section 106 approval.


2014/0960 The Elms, Port Eynon – Alterations to elevations, garages and driveway.

Council considered that the proposed alterations were generally acceptable and recommended approval (Cllr Fisher declared an interest and abstained from the decisions). Amended plans submitted 20th February 2015 and considered to have no material effect on the decision previously reached. Decision pending.


2014/1674 New Dwelling adjacent to Maybank, Overton

Council noted that this was an ‘Outline Application’ for one new dwelling and productive comments could not be made until the full planning application was received. It was noted that a previous application made in 2007 for a single dwelling had been approved but not proceeded with. Council noted that there was no evidence of a previous dwelling on the site and that the AONB guidelines for new dwellings must be adhered to. It was considered that the indicated size of dwelling house was relatively large and concern was expressed that any development must be sympathetic with its location adjoining the green and with the adjacent properties. Decision pending


2014/1788 Fairfield Farm, Knelston – Change of use to allow caravan storage.

Council noted that caravan storage had taken place on this site for several years and that this use had been previously referred to C&CS planning enforcement section. Chair appraised Council of the fact that storage had recently been extended to field area immediately adjoining existing houses and that representations had been made to him concerning loss of view, infringement of privacy, etc. He had visited the site and was of the opinion that storage so close to these houses was unnecessary. Council note that the application was for a temporary change of use but no indication was given as to the intended period and this should be clarified. Concern was expressed over access to the site from the A4118 which occurred on the brow of the hill and could be dangerous with manoeuvring of caravans. Council voted against the application with one abstention. Application refused on 20th February 2015.


2014/1970 Dwr Cymru Welsh Water – Pumping Station at Scurlage Castle.

Council noted that application was to create improved vehicle access off the A4118 together with off road paved vehicle turning and parking space. Council were of the opinion that the increase in population of Scurlage would undoubtedly require associated improvements to drainage infrastructure by Welsh Water and although this proposal necessitated loss of established roadside hedgerow and some prime agricultural land it should be reluctantly supported. Application approved on 20th February 2015.


New applications


2015/0014 The Ship Inn, Port Eynon – Alterations to front elevations.

Council considered that the principle of improvements to both the elevations and the interiors was to be welcomed.  Council however were concerned to note that the submitted plans for the existing building indicated that the single storey part of the building was of two storeys and that this error had then been erroneously incorporated in this application for alteration works. Council were unanimous in their decision that the plans should be resubmitted to correct these errors.


2014/1602 South Gower Sports Club – permit for siting of 75 tents from July to September

Council expressed strong concerns over this and other applications which would effectually change the nature of usage of the Sports Club to a Holiday Park during the summer period. Councillors were particularly concerned that the infrastructure within the Club would require considerable improvement to facilitate these changes of use. Also that residents had complained in the past concerning late night noise, underage drinking and dangerous traffic conditions associated with camping festivals held at the Sports Club.  Council noted that existing provisions for camping were underutilised in this area and further provision at this time was unnecessary. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.


2014/1603 South Gower Sports Club – permit for siting of touring caravans from April to September

Council expressed strong concerns over this and other applications which would effectually change the nature of usage of the Sports Club to a Holiday Park during the summer period. Councillors were particularly concerned that the infrastructure within the Club would require considerable improvement to facilitate these changes of use. Also that residents had complained in the past concerning late night noise, underage drinking and dangerous traffic conditions associated with camping festivals held at the Sports Club.  Council noted that existing provisions for touring caravans were underutilised in this area and further provision at this time was unnecessary. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.


2014/1614 South Gower Sports Club – permit for one touring caravans to be permanently occupied from March to November

Council expressed strong concerns over this and other applications which would effectually change the nature of usage of the Sports Club to a Holiday Park during the summer period. Councillors were particularly concerned that the infrastructure within the Club would require considerable improvement to facilitate these changes of use. Also that residents had complained in the past concerning late night noise, underage drinking and dangerous traffic conditions associated with camping festivals held at the Sports Club.  Council noted that the occupation applied for was inconsistent with 2014/1603. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.


2014/1616 South Gower Sports Club –Change of use of grass sports area to paved area.

Council expressed strong concerns over this and other applications which would effectually change the nature of usage of the Sports Club to a Holiday Park during the summer period. Councillors were particularly concerned that the infrastructure within the Club would require considerable improvement to facilitate these changes of use. Also that residents had complained in the past concerning late night noise, underage drinking and dangerous traffic conditions associated with camping festivals held at the Sports Club.  Council noted that this application was solely made to facilitate application 2014/1617. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.


2014/1617 South Gower Sports Club –Change of use of multi purpose sports area to erect a marquee.

Council expressed strong concerns over this and other applications which would effectually change the nature of usage of the Sports Club to a Holiday Park during the summer period. Councillors were particularly concerned that the infrastructure within the Club would require considerable improvement to facilitate these changes of use. Also that residents had complained in the past concerning late night noise, underage drinking and dangerous traffic conditions associated with camping festivals held at the Sports Club.  Council noted that existing similar provisions for weekend functions were well provided for in this area and further provision at this time was unnecessary. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.


2014/1775 The Rickyard, Burry lane, Burry – Change of use of agricultural storage building to provide for housing of livestock.

Council noted that this application was made in respect of an agricultural building which was erected following planning application 2012/0280 in 2012. At that time concerns were raised that the planned building was unsuitable for storage of farm machinery and winter feed due to its limited headroom. Councillors noted the receipt of two letters from immediately neighbouring properties which expressed concern over the proximity of the barns to their properties and disturbance which would mostly likely arise from storage of livestock. Councillors agreed with these concerns and also noted that there appeared to be no provision for storage and environmental disposal of waste arising from housed livestock particularly with regard to the proximity of Burry Pill to the site. Concern was also expressed at the likely need to service the facility on a daily basis with large agricultural or waste disposal vehicles when this stretch of Burry lane was restricted to usage by large vhicles and caravans. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.


096/14 Highways & Footpaths.


Councillors discussed the proposals to create a 20 mph limit on the section of the A4118 passing Knelston School. In general it was considered that the existing 30 mph limit served the area well and the new limit would have no measurable effect. It was noted however that this reflected a WAG policy and would be implemented regardless of local opinion. Disappointment was expressed that no consultation had taken place between the local police and the Council over these planned changes.


097/14 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received from mid-January to date.


098/14 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report


099/14 Village Halls


Port Eynon Village Hall :  Clerk advised that he had  at last received a response from the Hall Management Committee, however this included an objection to minutes of the PECC’s last meeting wherein concern was noted over maintenance and cleaning of the building.

Clerk was directed to take measures to retrieve previous minute books etc. for the period when the hall site and building was purchased from the Diocesan Board.


Llandewi Hall – Council noted letter from Trust in appreciation of PECC funding for the replacement window. It was noted that the Trust was experiencing difficulty in obtaining insurance and that the PECC may be able to assist in this respect.


100/14 Any Other Business:


Councillor Fisher remarked on the presence of apparently abandoned cars in Scuralge and the difficulty of parking within Salisbury Close. He also expressed his concern over vehicles exiting from the medical practice car park without due regard to traffic on Monksland Road. Clerk was requested to write to the Practice Manager.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 20th April 2015 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:10 pm.                                                                 Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher