Agenda for Regular Council Meeting to be held on 22nd November

Monthly Meeting – Monday 22nd November 2021 at 7 p.m.

To be held at ‘The Old Pharmacy’ Monksland Road, Scurlage


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting ( October 2021)
  4. Matters Arising from Minutes (see attached notes)
  5. Financial Report & Expenditure
  6. Planning – Applications & Outcomes (see attached notes)
  7. Highways, Environment & Footpaths
  8. Correspondence
  9. Communication – Notice Boards, web site, etc.
  10. Village Halls
  11. Proposed Development at Port Eynon car park
  12. Knelston Burial Ground
  13. Any Other Business
Correspondence from:Agenda item:
C&CS – Weekly Lists of Planning Applications6
One Voice Wales – Notice of courses, etc.8

Planning Applications for consideration (Agenda item 6):

Ref. No.AddressBrief Description

Matters Arising from OCTOBER 2021

  • Traffic Speed at Scurlage – Monitoring strips recently installed and outcome awaited.
  • Gateway Signs at Scurlage – Clerk to follow up with C&CS Highways.
  • Tree Surgery at Port Eynon – Quotation agreed, Chair to arrange for work to be undertaken


  • War Memorial at Scurlage – Paving and bench works completed. Clerk to source new edging for flower beds. Cllr S.F. to replenish plants. Further budget of £100.
  • Bench at Bus Stop, Scurlage – Budget £500. Agreed location to side of bus stop and paving not necessary. Assistance with moving the bench required.
  • Notice Board at Scurlage – Budget £100, Clerk to confirm with Mr. Rhodri Lloyd.
  • Flood lights at Port Eynon – to be raised with Community Police Officer – awaiting resumption of meetings at Knelston School.
  • Toilets at Port Eynon – Lack of cleaning and surface water puddles, complaint raised with SCC Environmental Health.
  • Village Green, Port Eynon – Holding response received from C&CS.
  • Llanddewi Village Hall – Chair/Clerk to progress with Trustees and possible vendor of land.
  • First Response Unit –. Clerk has written to Senydd Member and Member of Parliament.
  • Footpath at Boarlands, Overton – Clerk has reported issue to C&CS.
  • Defibrillators – Clerk advised that he had placed a provisional order for four new defibrillators at cost of £5,000. On hold, pending review of costs to service existing units.

Planning Applications & Decisions for Port Eynon Community Council Ward

Week Commencing 8th November – no applications

Week Commencing 1st November – no applications

Week Commencing 25th October – no applications

Week Commencing 18th October – no applications

Week Commencing 11th October – no applications

Week Commencing 4th October – no applications


Week Commencing 8th November – no decisions

Week Commencing 1st November – no decisions

Week Commencing 25th October – no decisions

Week Commencing 18th October –

Ship Inn Port Eynon Swansea SA3 1NN

Ref. No: 2021/2101/106 | Received: Tue 03 Aug 2021 | Validated: Tue 03 Aug 2021 | Status: Decided – Application refused

Week Commencing 11th October – no decisions

Week Commencing 4th October – no decisions

Approved Minutes of Council Meeting held on 20th September 2021

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 20th September 2021 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage.

1.  Apologies for absence was received from Barry Stubbings.

    Those in attendance were RF,SF,GE,MDC,DL,GJ.

2. There were no declarations of interest.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting was deferred owing to the wrong minutes being circulated to all councillors by the Clerk to the Council.

4. It was noted that the order for the second bench needed to be clarified and the bench installation cost to G R Lloyd appears to be still outstanding. GE stated that a review of money allocated for certain works needs to be done to establish the correct money held by the council. The Scurlage sign is still being refurbished and needs to be chased. BS to action.

5. Planning in relation to the Ship Inn and the use of the rear garden etc is still being considered. The point of conjecture relates to Section 106 invoked when the houses at the rear of the Ship Inn were constructed and the pub wishing to alter the restrictions imposed at that time. Objections have been lodged by the present owner of the house facing the pub garden and a decision is still pending. All other planning applications have been approved.

6. GE mentioned that the stile from The Borlands to the road leading to the church is unsafe and requires attention. He asked if any attention had been given to this.

7. GE also mentioned that recently a tour bus had been caught at the pinch point towards the village car park and maybe this is due to using the sat nav for directions. No discussion took place at this time.

Further mention was made of the boundary of the Public Car Park in Port Eynon and the lights emanating from Skysea Caravan and camping site which continue to cause annoyance.

8. In view of the lack of the correct minutes to discuss, MDC proposed that we adjourn the meeting and ask the Clerk to the Community Council to arrange a suitable meeting when all outstanding matters and any new items needing discussion can be put on the agenda. This was seconded by DL and carried.

Approved Minutes of Council Meeting on 26th July 2021

Synopsis of Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 26th July 2021 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage

  1. Present: R. Fisher (chair), G. Evans (Dep chair), M. Cox, D. Lewis, S. Fisher.
  • In attendance: B. Stubbings (Clerk)
  • Declarations of Interest : . Cox re planning application 2021/1500
  • Minutes: Proposed as amended by M. Cox; seconded by S. Fisher.
  • Matters Arising: (1) Floodlights at Boarlands – Clerk to file a further complaint. (2) Lane to Youth Hostel – Clerk to make FoI request re sale of land. (3) Trees at village Hall – D. Lewis to obtain a ‘local’ quotation.
  • Planning: 2021/1500 Youth Hostel bin Storage – Unanimously found acceptable. 2021/1750 – Unanimously found acceptable.
  • Highways, etc.: (1) Noted recent problems with blockages at the promenade Port Eynon and at the public toilets. City Council in attendance. (2) Recent Triathlon caused severe disruption to bus services and disturbance of residents (loud music in early hours of morning). Caution for future functions. Functions such as this should be limited to overspill car park to avoid above issues – refer to City Council Events Manager. (3) Village signs for Scurlage are missing and should be replaced at both Scurlage Castle and the Sports Club. Check to be made on legal extent of the restricted speed area – refer to City Highways
  • Footpaths: GE advised path and stile at 10 Boarlands is impassable due to encroachment of brambles and stile is rotten – refer to S. Parry at City Council.
  • Parking: Frequent parking in frontage of Culver House, Port Eynon is obstructing access by residents. Suggested to put a sign at the road junction directing visitors to use the Council car park. – refer to Highways.
  1. Traffic Speed in Scurlage: Lack of action – refer to City Highways.
  1. Finance: Invoice for gardening services by Rhodri Lloyd was agreed for payment. Quote required for bench at bus stop – Clerk to approach Rhodri.
  1. Next meeting to be held in September.