Minutes 20th July 2021

Port Eynon Community Council

Synopsis of Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 26th July 2021 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage

  1. Present: R. Fisher (chair), G. Evans (Dep chair), M. Cox, D. Lewis, S. Fisher.
  • In attendance: B. Stubbings (Clerk)
  • Declarations of Interest : . Cox re planning application 2021/1500
  • Minutes: Proposed as amended by M. Cox; seconded by S. Fisher.
  • Matters Arising: (1) Floodlights at Boarlands – Clerk to file a further complaint. (2) Lane to Youth Hostel – Clerk to make FoI request re sale of land. (3) Trees at village Hall – D. Lewis to obtain a ‘local’ quotation.
  • Planning: 2021/1500 Youth Hostel bin Storage – Unanimously found acceptable. 2021/1750 – Unanimously found acceptable.
  • Highways, etc.: (1) Noted recent problems with blockages at the promenade Port Eynon and at the public toilets. City Council in attendance. (2) Recent Triathlon caused severe disruption to bus services and disturbance of residents (loud music in early hours of morning). Caution for future functions. Functions such as this should be limited to overspill car park to avoid above issues – refer to City Council Events Manager. (3) Village signs for Scurlage are missing and should be replaced at both Scurlage Castle and the Sports Club. Check to be made on legal extent of the restricted speed area – refer to City Highways
  • Footpaths: GE advised path and stile at 10 Boarlands is impassable due to encroachment of brambles and stile is rotten – refer to S. Parry at City Council.
  • Parking: Frequent parking in frontage of Culver House, Port Eynon is obstructing access by residents. Suggested to put a sign at the road junction directing visitors to use the Council car park. – refer to Highways.
  1. Traffic Speed in Scurlage: Lack of action – refer to City Highways.
  1. Finance: Invoice for gardening services by Rhodri Lloyd was agreed for payment. Quote required for bench at bus stop – Clerk to approach Rhodri.
  1. Next meeting to be held in September.

Minutes May 2021

Port Eynon Community Council

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 24th May 2021 via a virtual platform

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Dave Lewis

Apologies:             Councillors Gareth Jones

In Attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

Mr. R. Knox and partner, Mr. P. Williams

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 19th April 2021 had been circulated to all Councillors. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Gareth Evans that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • Declarations of Interest      Cllr. Fisher advised that he had a professional interest in the planning applications for Highwinds, Port Eynon and Gower Holiday Village.
  • Matters Arising

Chair presented a quotation received for work to trees at Port Eynon Village Hall and all agreed that the work was essential and should proceed.

Clerk advised that due to pressure of other matters he had yet to place the order for a further bench seat for Scurlage Green.

Clerk advised that he had spoken with Enforcement control Division of City Council and with Police community support officer concerning the nuisance from floodlights and cameras at Port Eynon village and the parking on the A4118 in the vicinity of junction with Overton Lane. For the former he was advised that a complaint has to be raised by the affected resident and for the latter a report should be made using the 111 telephone service, however, visits would be made to site to assess the seriousness of both problems.

Clerk confirmed that he had requested the police Community Support Officer to attend a future Council meeting.

  • Finance 

Clerk advised that £500 allowance was still held for installation of notice board and seats at Scurlage. Chair confirmed that he expected a quotation in the coming week.

Clerk confirmed that payment had been made for wildflower planting.

Clerk was in receipt of invoice from Gareth Jones for work carried out for bramble clearance at Port Eynon beach and erection of the two Xams trees. A total of £325. Cllr. S. Fisher proposed that payment be made; seconded by Cllr. G. Evans and agreed.

Clerk confirmed that there was nothing further to report and that reserves were adequate to meet all current

envisaged commitments.                   

  • Planning  

Clerk confirmed that he had circulated notice recent applications and decisions.


2021/0462 Dingle Bank, Knelston. Two storey side and rear extensions including balconies, vertical timber cladding and changes to fenestration.

Application was refused on 19th April 2021 as having inappropriate treatment to the South and East elevationsthat would fail to respect the visual amenities of the established street scene.

2021/0724 Adjacent to Hawthorn Cottage, Scurlage. Discharge of Planning Conditions. Discharged on 7th May 2021

2021/0710 Salt Cottage, Port Eynon. Reduction in ground level, building of a retaining wall and a detached garden dwelling.

Application was granted on 11th May 2021, on the basis that ‘the proposal represents an acceptable form of development that would have a limited impact upon the character and appearance of the host dwelling or the wider Gower AONB.


2021/0884 ELD – Highwinds, Port Eynon Siting of two residential caravans (Certificate of lawful use).

Council in consideration of the application noted that the caravans in question had ben present for over ten years and at least one was in use as residential accommodation. Further, that the particular caravans were not visible from adjacent roads.

Council were of the opinion, by majority (with one abstention), that the application could not be supported.

2021/0836 FUL – South Gower Sports Club, Scurlage. Permit for three years for (a) Erection of a marquee during the months of June to September, inclusive and, (b) siting of five touring caravans during the months of April to October inclusive.

Council in consideration of the application noted that similar application had been previously made and granted.

Council were of the opinion by majority (with one abstention), that the application could be supported.

2021/1063 FUL – Dingle Bank, Knelston. Two storey side and rear extensions including balconies. Single storey side extension, and changes to fenestrations.

Council noted that the application was made consequent to refusal of application 2021/0462. Reservations were expressed that the proposed alterations continued to be of substantial size and that the resulting property lended itself to ease of sub-division into two properties.

Council were of the opinion that the application could be supported with the proviso that any subsequent application for sub division of the property should be refused.

2021/1206 NMA – 4 Milestone Court, Scurlage. Single storey rear extensions, side garages and front porches. Amendment to permit roof lights, enlarged front porch and amendment to the rear extensions.

Council noted that the proposed extensions were made and granted as Application 2019/1127. After consideration it was agreed that the alteration to the rear extensions and addition of roof lights to the side extensions could be supported however the enlarged front porch was not supported as it visually affected the uniform street frontage presented by the properties in Milestone Court. As a consequence the application as a whole could not be supported.

2021/1263 PRE – Gower Holiday Village, Scurlage. Siting of a Gypsy Caravan/Shepherd’s Hut.

Council in consideration of the application noted that there had been a number of previous applications for camping and siting of caravans at the same location which had all been refused. Council noted that the structure purporting to be a  gypsy caravan had already been erected and were of the opinion that  it bore little similarity to the common perception of a gypsy caravan or a shepherd’s hut. Council were of the opinion that such an installation represented an extension of the Gower Holiday village into a neighbouring agricultural field which was contrary to current Gower AONB policy to limit new caravan sites or enlargement of existing caravan sites.

  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

Clerk advised that there had been no response or updates on the issues previously discussed.

  • Correspondence

Clerk reported that he had received a communication on 16th May from a Mr. Purse  expressing concern over the exercising of dogs on Port Eynon beach and requesting the Council enforce the existing restrictions as well as placing more prominent signage. It was noted that the Council has no powers of enforcement but would refer the issue to the City Council Parks and Recreation Dept.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Erection of the new board at Scurlage is still pending.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon –  Chair advised that he continued to attend VHMC meetings.

Llanddewi – Chair advised that he would continue to endeavour to contact Mr. Walters.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Port Eynon Sea-Front Improvements

Chair advised that there had been no further contact or communications with the City Council Steering Group. It was suggested that letter should be sent to Gower AONB Committee to enquire on current status.

  1. Any Other Business            

General Discussion took place on a number of issues.

Next meeting –  Monday 21st June 2021, 7 pm, using zoom meeting facility. Clerk to arrange.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

12th April 2021

Regular Council Meeting

Monthly Meeting – Monday 25th October 2021 at 7 p.m.

To be held at ‘The Old Pharmacy’ Monksland Road, Scurlage


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting ( July & September 2021)
  4. Matters Arising from Minutes
  5. Financial Report & Expenditure
  6. Planning – Applications & Outcomes
  7. Highways, Environment & Footpaths
  8. Correspondence
  9. Communication – Notice Boards, web site, etc.
  10. Village Halls
  11. Proposed Development at Port Eynon car park
  12. Knelston Burial Ground
  13. Any Other Business
Correspondence from:Agenda item:
C&CS – Weekly Lists of Planning Applications6
One Voice Wales – Notice of courses, etc.8
E message from City Council re development at Port Eynon waterfront 
E message response from City Council concerning land at lane to Youth Hostel 

Planning Applications for consideration (Agenda item 6):

Ref. No.AddressBrief Description
2021/2576 PREBays farm, Overton LaneSeparation to two separate dwellings