Approved minutes of meeting held in February 2020
Port Eynon Community Council
Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 24th February 2020 at Knelston Primary School
Present Councillors: Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, David Lewis, Steve Young.
Apologies: Gareth Jones
In attendance Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;
- Minutes Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 20th January 2020 had been circulated to all Councillors. The Chair expressed his thanks to Cllr. Evans for acting as clerk and preparing the record of the meeting. Cllr Young requested a minor change at Section 6 to show that the request to alter the traffic sign in Port Eynon was in fact made by Cllr. Lewis. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the minutes, with this correction, be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
- Declarations of Interest None were declared.
TRAFFIC SPEED – Clerk advised of response from CC&S on 4th February regarding traffic control measures in Scurlage. After discussion it was agreed to invite the representative of C&CS to attend a Council meeting.
FOOTPATHS – response from C&CS, as above, was noted and agreed that Clerk should write to the developer to seek adoption.
SALTHOUSE LANE, PORT EYNON Clerk advised that he had received a response from C&CS Peter Beynon but it did not seem to progress matters. Agreed to invite Peter Beynon to future Council meeting.
DEFIBRILLATORS – After further consideration Council agreed to proceed with funding of two defibrillators. Clerk to advise ‘Cariad’.
Clerk advised of current resources available and that precept application for £6,000 had been agreed. Clerk advised that he was in receipt of invoices from Knelston School for hire of the meeting room, £200 and Membership of One voice Wales, £138. Proposed by Cllr Gareth Evans and seconded by Cllr. Steve Young that payment be made. Agreed unanimously.
After discussion it was agreed to proceed without delay on following items of village improvement.
Two defibrillators to be sited at Overton Green (free standing solar powered); Port Eynon Youth Hostel (mains power with unit relocated from Knelston garage; Knelston village (free standing solar powered) Budget £3,000.
Timber posts around edge of Overton Green (agreement of Penrice Estate will be necessary). Budget £1,000.
Bench seats at Scurlage bus stop and War Memorial. Budget £3,000.
Repairs to Notice Boards at Port Eynon, and Knelston. Budget £500.
Replacement Notice Board at Scurlage green. Budget £1,000.
Wildfower planting at Sculage and Port Eynon village greens, and bramble clearance at Port Eynon. Budget £150
Traffic calming measures at Scurlage. Budget £3,000.
Total budget allocation £11,650.
Clerk confirmed that reserves together with 2020 Precept were adequate to meet these commitments.
Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused
2019/2543 FUL Well Cottage, Port Eynon – Increase of roof height at rear, rooflights and patio doors.
Council considered the application and found it generally acceptable with no adverse effect on neighbours or the neighbourhood. Application granted 8th January 2020
2019/2313 FUL Land adjoining Dinglebank, Trumpet Lane, Knelston – New detached house and garage.
Council considered this further application for this site.Council were of the opinion that the proposals represented an over development of the site leading to a detached house which was not in accordance with the guidelines expressed in the AONB Design Guide for both overall size and for height. The resulting house would not be compatible with existing properties in Trumpet Lane. Council noted that the proposed first floor terrace would give rise to intrusive overlooking of a neighbouring property. Council noted that the plot size had been maximised by the removal of established hedgerows and replacement with close boarded fencing which is further contrary to AONB Guidelines.
Council reiterated previously expressed concerns with regard to further development being served by Trumpet Lane which is an unmade road served from a sub-standard junction with the A4118 Port Eynon Road. This junction lacks visibility for exiting traffic and is sited close to a rise in the main road such that southbound traffic is unaware of exiting vehicles.
Overall Council were of the unanimous opinion that the application should be refused. Application refused on 9th December 2019.
2019/2493 South Gower Sports Club, Detached Gymnasium Building. Council by majority agreed this proposed addition to the Sports Club complex is in principle, acceptable .
2019/2811/PRE A Pre-App for detached dwelling at Scurlage Farm Scurlage SA3 1BA
Councillors referred to their consideration of an earlier application and concerns re; increased surface water run-off but considered that the increased amenity space and smaller footprint of the proposed property sufficient for them to support the application.
2019/2794/FUL Milestone Court Scurlage SA3 1AX Proposed detached dwelling.
Overall Council were unanimously of the opinion that the proposed development was not in accordance with local planning policy, was of excessive size and constituted over development of a small backland site.
2018/2279/FUL granted 12/12/2018 Murmur y Llanw, Overton Lane Port Eynon SA3 1NR
Discharge of condition 3 of Planning permission.
2020/0044/TEM Moor Corner Farm Port Eynon Swansea SA3 1NJ Use of land for the siting of 5 Touring caravans from Good Friday (whichever is the earlier) or the 1st April t 31st October 2020 (inclusive) and Good Friday (whichever is the earlier0 1st April to 31st October 2021 (inclusive).
Council considered the application and recommended approval.
2019/2945/FUL Highfield Port Eynon SA3 1NL Extend the use of the garage to operate gin tasting/making classes with first floor accommodation above to accommodate staff/owners and use of 4 bedrooms of the main dwelling house as a Bed and Breakfast.
Council considered the application and recommended approval.
2019/2541 PRE – Land South of Highwinds, Port Eynon, Development of a Holiday Park. Council noted the application and were of the opinion that it was contrary to the Local Development plan and planning policy for Gower AONB. Concern was raised as to the precedent that would be set if approved, noting that there would be substantial loss of active prime agricultural land, the development would impinge on the skyline of hills surrounding Port Eynon village. The size of the planned development would place considerable stress on the infrastructure of the area. Council unanimously voted that the proposal should be refused.
2020/0172 FUL – No 1 Frogmoor Cottages, Frogmoor Lane. Single storey rear extension.
Council considered the details of the application for a minor infill extension to the rear of the cottage and agreed unanimously that approval should be recommended.
2020/0021 ELD – Plot 90 Highfield Holiday park, Port Eynon. Replacement of caravan with a log cabin. Council noted that this was a retrospective application and were of the opinion that a certificate could be granted.
- Highways, Footpaths and Environment
Cllr. Lewis again raised concern over the traffic sign on the approach to port eynon and the deep hole in the edge of the carriageway at St Cattwg’s church.
Cllr. Young repeated his concerns over the boardwalk from Port Eynon to Horton which is hazardous to pedestrians when it is wet. He advised that a serious accident had recently occurred which necessitated the attendance of the air ambulance. As a corollary he requested the Clerk to make enquiries of the First Responder Unit as to why they do not appear to be reacting to accidents of this nature or to routine medical emergencies.
With the approach of a new holiday season Council expressed again their commitment to replacing the beach litter bins and to engaging local businesses in a plastic free village.
Clerk advised that he had received no correspondence of note.
- Communications, Notice Boards, Etc
Cllr. Evans reported that the Notice Board at St Cattwg’s church had been blown or knocked down. He had approached Cllr. Jones to carry out repairs..
Port Eynon – Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that he had written to the VHMC and to Highfields Holiday Park regarding the boundary encroachment but had received no response.
Llanddewi – Chair advised that he was still unable to contact Mr Walters.
- Knelston Burial Ground.
Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.
- Any Other Business
There was no further business.
Next meeting – Monday 23rd March 2020, 7 pm. At Knelston School.
There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.
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Barry Stubbings (Clerk) Robert Fisher (Chair)
10th March 2020