Remembrance Day 11th November 2019
A Service of Rembrance will be held around the Memorial at Scurlage green
At 11 am on the morning og Monday 11th November.
All are welcome.
Remembrance Day 11th November 2019
A Service of Rembrance will be held around the Memorial at Scurlage green
At 11 am on the morning og Monday 11th November.
All are welcome.
Planning Applications for Consideration on 14th October 2019
Week beginning 2nd September 2019
• (Pre-application) Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension with balcony above
including raising existing stone boundary wall for privacy screen, internal alterations and
fenestration alterations.
Manzell Kuchek Port Eynon Swansea SA3 1NN
Ref. No: 2019/2080/PRE | Received: Thu 05 Sep 2019 | Validated: Thu 05 Sep 2019 | Status:
Being Considered
Week beginning 9th September 2019 : No applications
Week beginning 16th September 2019 : No applications
Week beginning 23rd September 2019
• Two storey side extension, first floor side extension, single storey side/rear extension, rear
porch, front canopy, front patio area with glass balustrade and removal of chimney.
Llais Y Don Overton Lane Port Eynon Swansea SA3 1NR
Ref. No: 2019/1556/FUL | Received: Fri 05 Jul 2019 | Validated: Thu 03 Oct 2019 | Status:
Being Considered
Week beginning 30th September 2019 : No applications
Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 15th July 2019 at Knelston Primary School
Present Councillors: Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Evans, Gareth Jones and Steven Young.
Apologies: Councillors: David Lewis
In attendance Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;
Chair Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair.
Clerk advised that he had written to both C&CS Parks Dept and Highways Dept concerning the removal of the bench seat, requesting that it either be replaced or the Council be compensated. He advised that he had sent a reminder but was still yet to receive a response. Recommended to refer to City Councillor Richard Lewis.
Cllr Martin Cox advised that there were attractive bench seats at Gowerton Railway station commemorating the fallen of World war 1 and suggesting that these be considered.
Clerk advised that he had written to C&CS Highways Dept. on traffic calming and possible provision of ‘Gateway’ signage for the village. He had sent a reminder and copied correspondence to Cllr. Richard Lewis but again was yet to receive any response. Cllr.Young advised that he was being pressed by many residents to take action to have ‘speed bumps’ installed. Agreed that Clerk should request C&CS to again place speed monitoring strips.
FOOTPATHS –Cllr Steve Young advised that he had spoken with City Cllr Richard Lewis who would arrange for cleaning of the path at Scurlage..
DEFIBRILLATORS –Clerk advised that he had made an application to Lotteries Fund for Wales for a grant of £7,500 for four defibrillators accompanied by a commitment of Council funds up to £1,000 for installation costs and training. He had received acknowledgement of the application.
NOTICE BOARD AT KNELSTON – Clerk advised that an order had been placed for a MMT notice board to replace the present board at the burial ground. Cost of £671.
Clerk advised that expenditure since the last meeting had included contributions to church yard maintenance – totalling £900.
Also, that he had received invoice for renewal of membership of One Voice Wales at £133. Payment as proposed by Cllr Gareth Evans and seconded by Cllr Sheila Fisher was agreed by all.
Committed expenditure was presently:
Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000
Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000
Scurlage traffic speed management – £3,000
Defibrillators – £9,000 (with possible grant aid of £7,500)
New notice board at Knelston burial ground – £675
Annual membership of One Voice Wales – £133
Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.
Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused
2019/1051 Land adjacent to Hawthorn cottage, Scurlage. – Amendment to application 2019/0020
Council considered the application and noted that there appeared to only minor changes from application 2019/0020 which had been refused as being of ‘inappropriate scale and mass and poor design (which) would introduce a dominant and discordant building to the locality. & the proposed development is considered to be an overdevelopment of the site’. Council noted that the proposed annexe building had been deleted, but the footprint of the main house was largely unchanged. Council noted that the ‘mass’ and height of the garage attached to the house had been reduced. The only other changes were minor alterations to fenestration. Council reiterated their previous comments, as follows
‘Council were of the opinion the application to be a considerable over development of a very small site.
The mass of the main house will be in visual conflict with neighbouring buildings, particularly the cottages and barn conversion on the immediate opposite side of the main road, and the semi-detached dwellings along Monksland Road.
Council considers the creation of a new access to the site, off the A4118 Port Eynon Road will be undesirable and will conflict with the junction of Berry Lane to the A4118. This is a known traffic ‘black spot’ and further access points should be avoided. Council notes that for the neighbouring development access off the A4118 was precluded and was provided off Monksland Road, in recognition of these difficulties.
Council notes that there is a history of surface water flooding at this location and that there should be no increase in run-off from additional paved areas and all surface water should be disposed of within the site. Council further questions the feasibility/economics of constructing a deep basement where the water table is at or close to the ground surface for most of the year.’
Application refused on 2nd May 2019 as (1) being of inappropriate scale and mass and poor design and (2) an overdevelopment of the site.
2019/1127 Nos. 4 and 5 Milestone Court Single storey rear and side extensions, garages and porches
Council noted that this was a single application for alteration works to two dwelling houses and questioned the validity of such an application. Clerk advised that there was no application form available on the C&CS planning portal to clarify the application.
Council noted that the side extensions to each property were taken to the property boundaries which precluded access for future maintenance. Also, that the only access to the rear of the properties would be through the property itself.
Council by majority recommended acceptance subject to clarification on the matter of a single application for two properties.
Application granted on 14th May 2019 with proviso that the rear extensions be constructed as one building operation.
2019/1263 Lesliedale Farm, Scurlage non material amendments.
Council noted the nature of the amendments to increase the ridge height, to add a window to bedroom 5, and to enlarge the ‘french’ doors to the kitchen and master bedroom. Council were of the opinion that the revisions could be accepted.
Application granted 20th June 2019.
2019/1419 Land North of 2 Frogmoor Cottages, Frog Moor lane. Conversion of garage to a two bedroom holiday cottage
Council noted that there was a previous application in 2018 (2018/1267) for conversion of the same garage building into a two bedroom holiday home and that this was refused. The existing building was considered to be unsuitable for conversion and the resultant building would be of inappropriate scale and design.
Council noted that the present garage building was no longer associated with the adjacent cottages and that it was significantly isolated in an adjoining field and had no apparent usage or purpose. Council were of the opinion that the present appearance of the building was incongruous. Council considered that the proposed conversion would serve to improve the usage and appearance of the building. Council agreed by majority to support the application.
Application refused on 19th June 2019 as existing building is not appropriate for conversion and resultant building would be an inappropriate suburban form.
2019/1587 PRE. Conversion of office building to a two bedroom dwelling
Council noted that the building in question was originally constructed as a pharmacy to serve what was then an adjacent doctor’s surgery building. It has latterly been in use as commercial office premises. The building is located in a residential context on a small infill site and in close proximity to the adjacent residential bungalow. Council were of the opinion that the present building was inappropriate to its residential surroundings and that the proposed conversion would offer significant visual improvement. Concern was expressed that the resultant accommodation was very limited for its purpose as a self-contained residential dwelling. Overall Council, by majority, recommended that the application be granted.
Application refused on 24th July as an inappropriate form of development which could be considered as detrimental to the character and appearance of the settlement.
No new issues.
Clerk advised receipt of report on Boundary Commission proposals..
Clerk advised that he was presently looking for a replacement notice board at Knelston.
Port Eynon – Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that at the VEHMC last meeting there had been further discussion with respect to wayleave payments from WPD, and the ownership of the land.
Llanddewi – Chair advised that a reply to the Llanddewi Village Hall Trustees was in hand.
Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.
Cllr. Gareth jones advised that he had received comments that whereas areas in Port Eynon in the vicinity of the camp sites and the carpark were looking tidy other areas in Port Eynon were distinctly overgrown.
Cllr. Gareth Evans advised that he had witnessed a utility vehicle and trailer accessing the beach via the disabled parking area. Consideration should be given to a barrier rail along this length of the disabled parking area.
Cllr. Martin Cox advised that following recent grass cutting in vicinity of the Youth Hostel the footpath sign had been removed and needed to be reinstated.
Cllr. Sheila Fisher again raised the matter of beach rubbish and use of the rubbish bins by local population and campers to deposit their refuse bags.
Next meeting – Monday 9th September at 7 pm. At Knelston School.
There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.
————————————– ——————————————
Barry Stubbings (Clerk) Robert Fisher (Chair)
20th May 2019
Monthly Meeting – Monday 14th October 2019.
To be held at Knelston Primary School at 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence from: | Agenda item: |
C&CS – Weekly Lists of Planning Applications | 6 |
One Voice Wales – Notice of courses, etc. | 8 |
Planning Applications for consideration (Agenda item 6): Also see attached.
Ref. No. | Address | Brief Description |
2019/1556/FUL | Llais y Don, Overton lane | Side & Rear Extensions, canopies, porch etc. |
2019/2080PRE | Mansel Kuchek, Port Eynon, SA3 1NN | Side & Rear Extensions, balcony and fenestrations |