Planning applications to be considered on 15th April 2019


No applications made.


2019/0571/FUL received 12 Mar 2019

Cherry Tree Port Eynon SA3 1NN

Retention of use of existing detached garage as ancillary laundry and staff living accommodation and external alterations in association with the main dwelling and holiday let business


No applications made.


2019/0753/PRE received on 29th March 2019

The Bays Farm, Overton lane, Port Eynon SA3 1NR

(Pre-application) Alterations and change of use from garden store and art studio into separate holiday accommodation lets.

2019/0699/FUL received 26th March 2019

Bank Farm, Scurlage, SA3 1BA

Use of Fields 1 and 2 for the siting of a marquee and camping for a maximum of 150 tents from 7th June to 10th June 2019 (inclusive)





Agenda Notice for meeting to be held on 15th April 2019

Monthly Meeting – Monday 15th April 2019.

To be held at Knelston Primary School at 7:00 p.m.




  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting (18th March 2019)
  4. Matters Arising from Minutes
  5. Financial Report & Expenditure
  6. Planning – Applications & Outcomes
  7. Highways, Environment & Footpaths
  8. Correspondence
  9. Communication – Notice Boards, web site, etc.
  10. Port Eynon & Llandewi Village Halls
  11. Knelston Burial Ground
  12. Any Other Business
Correspondence from: Agenda item:
C&CS – Weekly Lists of Planning Applications 6
One Voice Wales – Notice of courses, etc. 8


Planning Applications for consideration (Agenda item 6): Also see attached.


Ref. No. Address Brief Description
2019/0571 ful Cherry Tree Port Eynon Use of garage as accommodation and alterations
2019/00753 pre Bays Farm, Overton Lane Conversion of garden store to holiday lets
2019/0699 ful Bank Farm, Scuralge Siting of Marquee & camping for 8th to 10th June

Minutes of meeting held on 18th March 2019

Port Eynon Community Council


Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 18th march 2019 at Knelston Primary School.


Present                  Councillors:  Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher and Steven Young.


Apologies:             Councillors Gareth Jones and Steve Young.


In attendance       Mr. David Lewis of Port Eynon and Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;



Chair                       Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair.


  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 18th February 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors, displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  2. Declarations of Interest      None were made.
  3. Matters ArisingSCURLAGE GREEN – Cllr. Sheila Fisher advised that she was awaiting a second quotation to engrave image of a poppy and small amount of text on the obverse side of the memorial. and matter was further deferred to next meeting for further consideration.
  4. DEFIBRILLATORS – Council agreed that now the expenditure on Scrurlage green was largely complete Council should reconsider the provision of further defibrillators. It was agreed that course of action should be
  5.                                 PORT EYNON FOOTPATHS – Clerkadvised that he had written to C&CS Countryside Access Officers to request that the footpath from the church to Borva House be registered over its full length..
  6. Clerk advised that he had written to C&CS Highways Dept. on the provision of ‘Gateway’signage for the village. He was yet to receive a response. Council suggested that Clerk write to Cllr. Richard Lewis on this matter.
  7. Clerk advised that he had written to both C&CS Parks Dept and Highways Dept concerning the removal of the bench seat, requesting that it either be replaced or the Council be compensated. He had not received a response.
  8. Cllr. Evans advised that he had been contacted by Parks Section of C&CS to confirm that they would provide wild flower seeding of areas at the green.
  9. Council agreed that Clerk should write to families connected with the War Memorial to see if there was interest in funding one or more bench seats similar to those funded at Port Eynon water front.
  10. Council considered the quotation for landscaping and planting around the memorial stone and sketches for two options. Cost would be in the region of £200. Cllr. Sheila Fisher requested that a decision be deferred until she had met with the gardener to discuss the planting.
  1. To resite the unit at Knelston garage to an external location. If the garage proprietor was not prepared to accept external mounting with a power supply, the powered unit should be relocated elsewhere and a solar powered unit purchased for installation either at the garage or possibly the old chapel burial ground.
  2. To purchase solar powered units for Overton (Village Green site) and Lower Scurlage.
  3. To re-evaluate with ‘Cariad’ siting of a powered unit at Port Eynon Youth Hostel (possible relocation from Knelston garage).
    1. Finance  Committed expenditure was presently:                                                Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000                                                 Defibrillators – £3,000                                                                                 One Voice Wales membership renewal – £133
    2.                                 Clerk advised that he had settled the invoices for:
    3. Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.
    4.                                                 Contribution to church yard maintenance – £900
    5.                                                 Scurlage Village Awareness signs – £3,000
    6.                                                 Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000
  • Planning                                Council noted that this was an amendment to recently approved plans and they had no comments on the proposals. Decision pending.2019/0009 Rylands, Overton Lane – Alterations to rear dormer, rooflights, etc.. 2019/0123 Ty Borva, Port Eynon – Provision of four ‘Glamping Pods’ in the rear gardens. Council considered the application and found it to be generally acceptable. Comment was made that recent works at the premises had included changes to the doors and windows which were not in this application or had been the subject of other applications. Decision pending.2019/0250 OUT – Land off Trumpet Lane, Knelston. Council considered the application and noted that several adjacent properties had already found it necessary to replace the original windows and doors. Council agreed to support the application. Decision pending.NEW APPLICATIONS2019/0389 Milestone Court, Scurlage – Two new dwelling housesThis proposal for two houses on the same site area represents even greater over-development of what is a ‘backland site’. The imposition of two houses on the same site area represents even greater over-development of the site.The original development of Milestone Court was considered to be a sustainable development which effectively established a new western limit to the edge of the community of Scurlage, albeit at the expense of what was useful recreational land. Further development, although within the boundary area of Milestone Court effectively serves to keep pushing the natural boundary of the community further to the west.For the reasons above Council has no choice but to recommend refusal of this application.


    2. Council continues to reiterate its concern over continued development of the Scurlage Community without any improvements to the drainage of foul water and surface water. Despite the assertions from Dwr Cymru that the provisions are adequate, the whole community continues to experience flooding of surface water and backing up of foul water drains.
    3. Council notes that the indicated plan layout does not appear to satisfy the planning guidelines for provision of car parking together with turning space in an effective cul-de-sac.
    4. Planning application 2018/2004 for a single dwelling house at the same site was granted on 30th November 2018. Community council in their letter of 1st August 2018 expressed concern over that proposal being an effective over-development of the site.
    7. 2019/0274 – 3 Milestone Court, Scurlage – Replacement windows and doors.
    8. Council noted that this was a further application for the site where permission had been granted for a single dwelling house and garage (2017/2392). Council further considered this application for a pair of semi detached dwellings with integral garages. Council noted that recent development on Trumpet Lane had largely resulted in the provision of second homes or holiday letting accommodation and thought that this development may continue that trend. Overall Council agreed by majority to support the application but to repeat previous concerns over the inadequacy of Trumpet Lane and particularly its junction with the A4118. Decision pending.
    9. 2019/0138 Smugglers Restaurant, Port Eynon – Rear extension to provide new toilet facilities.
    10. Council noted that the ‘Pods’ were mobile and the application should be viewed in the same context as an application to site four touring caravans. Council noted that the gardens of Ty Borva had been the subject of severe flooding for many years on account of a water course passing through the grounds however, this provision may result in improvements to local drainage. Council noted and took cognisance of Gower AONB policy precluding the establishment of new caravan sites, but also noted that an application to site up to five touring caravans at this location would likely be approved. Council further noted the considerable adverse comments from neighbouring properties concerning noise resulting from camping and activities at Ty Borva on weekends and holiday periods. Overall Council by majority recommended that the application be refused. Decision pending.
    11. Council noted that the application was for works at the rear of the property which would not be evident to the public or be intrusive to the neighbouring properties. Council was unanimous in recommending the application be accepted. Decision pending.
    12.         2018/2529 Adjacent to ‘Murmur Y Llanw”Overton Lane – Revised landscaping
    13. Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused
  • Highways and Footpaths  


    1. Cllr Martin Cox advised that the lane to the Youth Hostel continued to present considerable problems concerning its surface condition and restricted width. Clerk advised that he had experienced difficulties in contacting Mr. Peter Beynon of C&CS.
    2. Clerk advised that he was yet to receive a response from C&CS Countryside Access on the registration of path from Port Eynon Church to Borva House.
  • Correspondence 


    1. The Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received, none of which required consideration.
  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc  


    1. Cllr. Fisher advised that she had been approached by Mrs Henderson, representing Llanddewi church, for Council to provide a notice board or space in the notice boards for posting both village and church notices, either at Knelston school or at Scurlage green. After discussion Council agreed that it was not appropriate for the Community Council to provide notice boards for the us of other organisations, noting also that the request did not appear to relate to a specific village organisation. It was agreed that space in Community Council Notice Boards could be made available via the clerk for appropriate notices, and if the Notice Boards were then judeged to be inadequate consideration would be given to larger or supplementary boards.
    2. Clerk advised that in posting notices at Scurlage the wind had caused the door of the board to break its hinges. Council agreed to refer matter to the insurers.
  • Village Halls  


    1. Chair confirmed that he would provide a strategy document for Clerk to prepare a paper for consideration by the Llanddewi Village Hall Trustees.
    2. Chair advised that he had again been approached by Port Eynon Village Hall Committee claiming ownership, or part ownership, of the Notice Board adjacent to the churchyard. Also claiming entitlement to the Wayleave payments received from Western Power for facilities in vicinity of the Village hall. Council agreed that there was no further information forthcoming on either issue and the VHMC should be advised that PECC considered the matters closed.
    3. Knelston Burial Ground.
    4. Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.
    5. Any Other Business    


  1. .
  2. Cllr. Sheila Fisher expressed concern over cleanliness of Port Eynon beach and tabled recent photographs of litter including quantities of partially buried rusting wire. She noted that the beach oil drum receptacles appeared to be in use by residents to deposit black bin bags of household waste.
  3. Cllr. Martin Cox advised that the Port Eynon car park gates continued to be closed, although not locked, before the scheduled time of 20:30.
  4. Cllr. Martin Cox enquired if there had been any feedback on the study of Tourism at Port Eynon by BRO Consultancy. Clerk confirmed that there had been none, and that a copy of the study had not been forthcoming. Chair directed Clerk to write to C&CS with a Freedom of Information Request.
  5. There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 15 pm.
  6. Next meeting – Monday 15th April at 7 pm. At Knelston school
  7. Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair