planning List for January 2021


2 November 2020 – No applications received

9 November 2020

Addition of first floor and front porch to facilitate conversion of office (Class B1) to a dormer bungalow (Class C3)

The Old Pharmacy Monksland Road Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AY

Ref. No: 2020/2269/FUL | Received: Fri 06 Nov 2020 | Validated: Tue 10 Nov 2020 | Status: Decided – REFUSED

(Pre-application) Four Polytunnels and one store/greenhouse

Land At Llandewi Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AU

Ref. No: 2020/2204/PRE | Received: Fri 30 Oct 2020 | Validated: Thu 12 Nov 2020 | Status: Decided – PERMITTED

16 November 2020

Single storey rear extension and rear open porch Open for comment icon

Scurlage Court Farm Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1BA

Ref. No: 2020/2316/FUL | Received: Wed 11 Nov 2020 | Validated: Tue 17 Nov 2020 | Status: Awaiting decision

23 November 2020

(Pre-application) Reduction in ground levels around the main dwelling and building of a natural stone retaining wall to create a level patio area. Detached 2 bed granny flat which will be used solely by the owner/occupier of the main dwelling as ancillary living accommodation for family. Open for comment icon

2 Salt Cottage Port Eynon Swansea SA3 1NN

Ref. No: 2020/2439/PRE | Received: Thu 26 Nov 2020 | Validated: Fri 27 Nov 2020 | Status: Being Considered

Construction of single detached dwelling with associated access and landscaping works (variation of condition 2 to allow for amended plans to be submitted for a smaller dwelling and to consider the details required by conditions 3 (materials), 4 (boundary treatments), 5 (eaves and verges of roofs) and 6 (landscaping) of planning permission 2017/0470/FUL granted 19th May 2017) Open for comment icon

Land To The South Of Knelston Farm Knelston Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AR

Ref. No: 2020/2371/S73 | Received: Tue 17 Nov 2020 | Validated: Mon 23 Nov 2020 | Status: Being Considered

30 November 2020

7 December 2020

14 December 2020

Two storey side extension including balcony to the West, single storey side extension, vertical timber cladding to the upper floors and fenestration alterations Open for comment icon

Dingle Bank Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AR

Ref. No: 2020/2589/FUL | Received: Wed 16 Dec 2020 | Validated: Wed 16 Dec 2020 | Status: Being considered.

21 December 2020 – no applications received

28 December 2020 – no applications received

4 January 2021

Siting of a residential caravan (application for a Certificate of Existing Lawful Use) Open for comment icon

Scurlage Farm Rhossili Swansea SA3 1BA

Ref. No: 2020/2653/ELD | Received: Wed 30 Dec 2020 | Validated: Mon 04 Jan 2021 | Status: Being Considered


2 November 2020 – no decisions

9 November 2020 – no decisions

16 November 2020 – no decisions

23 November 2020

Addition of new roof to studio, side rooflight to barn, internal and external alterations to facilitate the conversion of outbuilding to a holiday let

The Bays Farm Overton Lane Port Eynon Swansea SA3 1NR

Ref. No: 2020/1398/FUL | Received: Fri 24 Jul 2020 | Validated: Wed 29 Jul 2020 | Status: Decided – PERMITTED

30 November 2020 – no decisions

7 December 2020

Pre-application) Four Polytunnels and one store/greenhouse

Land At Llandewi Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AU

Ref. No: 2020/2204/PRE | Received: Fri 30 Oct 2020 | Validated: Thu 12 Nov 2020 | Status: Decided – APPLICATION MAY PROCEED

14 December 2020

Single storey rear extension with nine rooflights, addition of seven rear rooflights, alerations to fenestration including enlarged first floor side widow with Juliet balcony (amendment to planning permission 2019/2543/FUL granted 8th January 2020)

Well Cottage Port Eynon Swansea SA3 1NL

Ref. No: 2020/2119/FUL | Received: Wed 21 Oct 2020 | Validated: Tue 27 Oct 2020 | Status: Decided – REFUSED

21 December 2020

Addition of first floor and front porch to facilitate conversion of office (Class B1) to a dormer bungalow (Class C3)

The Old Pharmacy Monksland Road Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AYRef. No: 2020/2269/FUL | Received: Fri 06 Nov 2020 | Validated: Tue 10 Nov 2020 | Status: Decided – REFUSED

28 December 2020 – no decisions

4 January 2021 – no decisions


DATE VALID: 29.07.2020 APPLICATION NO: 2020/1398/FUL APPLICANT: Mrs Sol Blytt-Jordens The CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA, in exercise of its powers under the above ACT, hereby GRANTS planning permission for: SITE LOCATION: PROPOSAL: The Bays Farm Overton Lane Port Eynon Swansea SA3 1NR Addition of new roof to studio, side rooflight to barn, internal and external alterations to facilitate the conversion of outbuilding to a holiday let as referred to in your application and shown on the accompanying plan(s), subject to the following condition(s):- 1 The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than five years from the date of this decision. Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: HG.18.64 001 Existing Site Location and Block Plan, HG.18.64 101 Proposed Location Plan and Block Plan and HG.18.64 140 Proposed Elevations, received 24th July 2020. HG.18.64 110 Rev B Proposed Ground, First and Roof Plan, HG.18.64 130 Rev A Proposed Sections 01 – 03 and HG.18.64 131 Rev A Proposed Sections 04 – 05, received 14th October 2020. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure compliance with the approved plans. 3 No development shall commence until details and/or samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby approved have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a proper standard of development and appearance in the interests of conserving the amenities and architectural character of the area. 4 The development shall be occupied as holiday accommodation only and shall not be occupied as a person’s sole or main place of residence. An up-to-date register shall be kept at the holiday accommodation hereby permitted and be made available for inspection by the Local Planning Authority upon request. The register shall contain details of the names of all of the occupiers of the accommodation, their main home addresses and their date of arrival and departure from the accommodation. Reason: In order to ensure that the accommodation is occupied solely for holiday letting purposes only and not for any other residential purpose. 5 Before development works commence on site, a scheme for the landscaping of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted scheme shall be a fully detailed scheme of landscaping including species, spacings and height when planted of all new planting. The scheme shall include indications of all existing trees (including spread and species) and hedgerows on the land, identify those to be retained and set out measures for their protection throughout the course of development. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the first beneficial occupation of the building or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species. Reason: In the interests of maintaining a suitable scheme of landscaping to protect the visual amenity of the area, to maintain the special qualities of the landscape and habitats through the protection, creation and enhancement of links between sites and their protection for amenity, landscape and biodiversity value. 6 No works, including any demolition works, shall take place until the replacement bat roost recommended by the ‘Survey for Bats & Barn Owls’ document, written by Nicholas Bunn, has been erected on site in accordance with details which have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The agreed bat roost shall be retained thereafter. Reason: In the interest of protecting species listed under Schedule 2 and 4 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulation 1994. 7 Where any species listed under Schedule 2 and 4 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1994 is present on the site (or other identified part) in respect of which this permission is hereby granted, no works of site clearance, demolition or construction shall take place in pursuance of this permission unless a license to disturb any such species has been granted in accordance with the aforementioned Regulations and a copy thereof has been produced to the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interest of protecting species listed under Schedule 2 and 4 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulation 1994. 8 No external lighting shall be installed at the site without details of the proposed external lighting first being submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Only external lighting that has been approved by the Local Planning Authority shall be utilised at the site. All other external lighting is prohibited. Reason: In the interest of the visual amenities of the area and to preserve the natural beauty of the Gower AONB.