Unconfirmed Minutes of meeting on 24th July 2017



Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 23rd July 2017 at the Village Hall, Port Eynon.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm,

Present:                                   Cllr. G. Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones  and Cllr. S. Young



Apologies for Absence:         None


In attendance:                       Mr B Stubbings (Clerk);

Mr. Peter Williams representing Port Eynon Village Hall Management Committee


Chair person:                          Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.

Declarations of Interest:         Cllr. R. Fisher in respect of planning application for Upway House

The Chair welcomed the members of the public in attendance.

050/17 Minutes of Last Meeting (May 2017):

The draft minutes of the last meeting were amended at 044/17 to note that the cost of the village Hall Newsletter was £650 per annum. With this amendment the minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Mrs S Fisher seconded by Cllr. Mr. G. Evans, and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.

051/17.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:

  • Village Greens – Port Eynon. Clerk advised that he had been chasing Eaton Fencing Ltd. to carry out the installation of posts but they advised that the work could not be undertaken until late August.
  • War Memorial – pending source of suitable stone.
  • Casual Signs at A4118 Junction, Scurlage – Cllr G. evans advised that he had had the opportunity to meet with a representative of C&CS Highways Dept who advised that those responsible for the casual signs would be notified to remove them failing which they will be taken to the Council Depot for collection or destruction.
  • Village Hall Newsletter. Clerk advised that he had made enquiries with regard to the newsletters produced in adjoining communities and the level of support provided by the respective Community Councils. Typically, the newsletters were produced monthly of 40 pages at A5 principally in black and white, with up to 30% of paid advertising. Support from the Community Councils ranged from nil to paid page content to an annual donation of £200. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr. S Young, seconded by Cllr G Evans that the Council declined the request to fund 50% of the production costs for the Port Eynon Village Hall Newsletter, but to make an annual donation of £200 to the Village Hall Management Committee towards the social activities of the Village Hall. It was noted that this would better reflect the relationship which now existed between the Council and the Village Hall Management Committee. Agreed by all.

052/17.  Finance:

Clerk advised that there had been no significant transactions in the past month.

  1. Cash reserve approx.. £10,400. Savings reserve approx.. £5,300.

The following funding commitments are carried forward:

Bench seat at Orchard Close – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon Village Green improvements – £2,000.

War Memorial at Scurlage – £5,000


Proposed by Cllr S. Young and seconded by Cllr. S. Fisher that payment of £200 be made to each of  St Davids Church, Llanddewi, St Cattwg’s Church, Port Eynon and Kneslton Chapel towards maintenance of the respective graveyards. Agreed by all.


Clerk advised that the accounts for year ending March 2016 were presently with the internal auditor, Mr Stephen Heard. In view of the tight schedule to forward these to BDO llp for external audit, he requested Council to authorise the Chair to acknowledge the completion of Internal Audit, rather than wait for next full council meeting. So proposed by Cllr G Evans, seconded by Cllr G Jones and agreed by all.


053/17 Planning

Clerk provided an update on pending applications as follows

Pending Applications

2017/0350 Orchard Green, Knelston – Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of new detached dwelling house and garage. Council noted that the present bungalow was thought to be of precast construction dating back to post war period. It was agreed that the proposal should be recommended for approval. Decision pending.

2017/0470 The Tors, Knelston – Erection of new detached dwelling house and garage. Council noted that the proposed house was within the curtilage of the existing gardens to ‘The Tors’ and would share the access to ‘The Tors’ and Knelston Hall Farm. Scale of development was appropriate and consistent with adjacent existing properties. Council unanimously recommended application be approved. Application approved by C&CS on 19th May.

2017/0485 Bank Farm, Knelston – Erection of Marquee and maximum of 125 units of tents for period 9th June 2017 to 11th June 2017. Council note that this was an annual event and that no complaints or negative comments had been generated in previous years. Council unanimously recommended application be approved. Temporary permit granted on 16th May 2017.

2017/0725 Gower Holiday Village, Scurlage – temporary use of field adjoining ‘The Monksland’ for use to site up to 64 touring caravans for the period 1st June to 5th September 2017. Council noted that this was a further application essentially the same as 2015/1657 which was refused on 2nd October 2015. That decision was appealed and confirmed on 25th July 2016. Council noted that this further application only differed from that made previously in that the layout of the pitches was restricted to approximately half of the field furthest from the road. Also, that reference is no longer made to this being an ‘Overspill Facility’. Council noted that although outline discussions had taken place with the applicant following the previous refusals, no communication had been received with respect to this new application. Council considered that the previous grounds made for recommending refusal still held, in that all necessary facilities and requirements of a self contained semi permanent caravan site must be met, and that no indications were given in this application. Council also noted the findings of the Planning Inspector in July 2016, and that these had not been addressed in this application. Council recommended by majority that the application be deferred pending clarification of the above issues. Application refused by C&CS on 31st May 2017.

2017/0889 The Leys, Port Eynon – construction of detached garage. Council considered the application to be acceptable on the proviso that use is strictly limited to a garage. Decision pending.

2017/0926 The Hawthorns, Scurlage – Two storey rear and side extension and enlarged access. Council expressed concern over the elevational treatment of the rear extension and unavoidable overlooking between the properties on either side of Monksland Road. Concern was also expressed that no opportunity had been taken to revise the vehicular access to Monksland Road, consistent with the recent adjacent developments. Council agreed by majority to recommend general approval with request for these issues to be addressed. Decision pending.

2017/1181 Dinglebank, Knelston – Three new detached houses and garages. Council expressed concerns with regard to:

  • The present natural curtilage of the village is created by Trumpet Lane and this development is outside that curtilage.
  • This is a ‘backland development’ and as such is contrary to current AONB planning guidelines.
  • The development will be accessed via Trumpet Lane which is an unmade road of restricted width and with no end turning facility, such that. large service vehicles have to reverse to exit the lane.
  • Trumpet Lane is already recognised as having a dangerous junction with the A4118, being below the brow of a hill and immediately opposite the access to a farm complex.
  • The development will create a dominant feature on the skyline when viewed from the North and West.
  • Current access to the hay meadow west of Dinglebank is eliminated by the development resulting in potential loss of substantial established agricultural land.

Council agreed by majority (3:1) to recommend that the development, as proposed, be rejected. Decision pending.

New Applications

2017/1259 Llanddewi Castle Farm, Llanddewi Variation of planning conditions for 2015/1042 to permit use of light grey roof finish. Councillors considered the light grey roof finish to be in visual harmony with the surrounding buildings and unanimously recommended acceptance.

2017/1093 No 1 Milestone Court. Addition of an attached garage.

Councillors noted that this application had been made previously and was withdrawn. Council at that time had recommended acceptance. Councillors unanimously confirmed the previous recommendations.

2017/1304 Murmur Y Llanw, Overton. Addition of first floor to existing bungalow.

Council noted that although this was a full application there were no plans available on the C&CS Planning Portal. Council deferred any decision until plans were available.

2017/0930 Upway House, Port Eynon, Construction of new dwelling house.

Cllr R. Fisher left the meeting prior to any decision. Cllr. S. Fisher abstained from the decision. Councillors expreseed concerns over the visual intrusion of the dwelling which even though partially buried would be similar to construction of a bungalow. It was in close proximity to both Upway House and Upway Cottage and would obstruct their present uninterrupted views. It would also be visible from the main road and from properties adjacent to the road. Council noted that no case was apparently made as to why the presumption in AONB planning policy against new dwellings should be waived. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.

Local development plan. Clerk brought Council’s attention to the Local development plan which had been updated, presented to city council and agreed. The plan included for development of the field adjoin the health centre in Scurlage, to provide a further 25 units of social housing.

054/17 Highways & Footpaths.

Cllr Young advised that he had received representations from the public concerning the footpath between Milestone court and the Holiday Village leading to the Sports Ground. After discussion Council concluded that this was unlikely to be a public footpath and was created when milestone court was constructed to compensate for loss of access to the Sports Ground from the Rhossilli Road. It was unclear whether the path was on land still owned by the Sports Club or whether the land was included in the Milestone Court allocation. As the path freely opened on to the Sports Ground, it had probably not been dedicated to the City Council and responsibility for maintenance was most likely that of the Sports Club. Council noted, however, that the overgrown bushes and trees emanated from the Holiday village and would be their responsibility. The Sports Club management would be requested to periodically clear the litter.

Cllr Evans advised that he had again received representations from the public concerning cutting the verge grass and hedges, also cleaning of the gutters.

Cllr. S. Fisher noted that there was an outbreak of Japanese Knotweed in the verges of Berry Lane and this should be referred to C&CS.

055/17 Correspondence:

Letter received from Mrs Atwell requesting Council to contribute £650 towards a summer fete. After discussion it was agreed that this was not an activity which would normally be supported from public funds. Council suggested that it would be more appropriate for the organisers to approach the Village Hall Management Committee for financial support of social activities in Port Eynon village.

056/17 Communication- Notice Boards etc.

There was nothing to report.

057/17 Village Halls

Port Eynon Village Hall –Cllr. R. Fisher advised that he had attended the meeting of the Village Hall Management Committee held on 16th July. The meeting had principally concerned itself with routine matters and receipt of an interim financial report for previous two months. A decision was taken to significantly increase the hall rental charges. There was no discussion on plans for a replacement hall.

Mr. Peter Williams (from the floor) raised an objection concerning the minutes for the June Council Meeting with regard to the Port Eynon Village Hall and sought to have them amended. Council confirmed that they were a fair record of the report provided to the meeting by Cllr Evans, and Cllr Evans, after referring to his notes confirmed that his report was a fair summary of the June meeting of the Village Hall Management Committee. After due consideration Council rejected the representations made by Mr. Williams.

Llandewi Hall – Clerk reported receipt of reply from the Trustees and an informal meeting would be arranged.

058/17 Any Other Business:

No matters brought forward for consideration

Date of Next Meeting:

Monday 21st August 2017 at 7:30 pm  in the  Port Eynon Village Hall subject to confirmation as to need.

Meeting closed at 9.40pm.                                                         Chairman


  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)                                                              R. Fisher