Minutes of meeting held on 16th December 2016





Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 19th  December 2016 at ‘The Old Pharmacy’, Scurlage.


The meeting commenced at 7:45 pm.


Present:                                   Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones, Cllr. Mrs Lynda Newland



Apologies for Absence:            Cllr. Mrs. Ann Scott and Cllr A. Milligan


In attendance:                         Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),

Ms. Julie Harris, Ms Claire Payne.


Chair person:                          Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


Declarations of Interest:         None



084/16 Minutes of Last Meeting (November 2016):


The minutes, as corrected, were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Mr. G. Jones and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


085/16.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Village Greens – Clerk provided a draft document to request installation of posts at Port Eynon Green which was discussed and amended. Clerk advised that he would seek quotations after the Christmas holiday period.


War Memorial – Chair advised that he was continuing to search for a suitable large stone on to which a memorial plaque could be sited.


086/16.  Finance:


Clerk advised that there had been no income or expenditure in the past month. The bank balances were presently as follows:


Current Account           £9,460

Savings Account           £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account           £675



The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon Village Green improvements – £2,000.



087/16.  Planning:


From Previous applications




2016/1384 St David’s Church, LLanddewi – Removal of deteriorated interior plaster and cement; and replacement with lime based plaster. Council unanimously agreed to support the proposal. Under consideration.


2016/3184 Frogmoor Cottages, Frogmoor – Removal of planning condition and extension for further five years. Council unanimously agreed they had no objections. Decision pending


New applications :


088/16 Highways & Footpaths.


Problems with construction traffic continued in Scurlage. Cllr Fisher reported that the contractor has relocated the site hoardings such that the turning bay at the end of Monksland Road was no longer usable. As a consequence the refuse collection trucks were turning at the junction with Salisbury Close and no rubbish was being collected from the higher house numbers in Monksland Road. Clerk to again raise with City Council.


Cllr. Jones reported that a new steel bridge had been constructed across the drainage ditch at Llanddewi Corner, to replace the previous timber bridge. As a consequence, it was no longer possible to rake out rubbish from the gratings to the adjacent drainage pipes. A service that both Council operatives and he occasionally performed to ensure free flow of the water. Clerk to raise with city council.


089/16 Correspondence:


Clerk advised on various items of correspondence. None of which required action.


090/16 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


091/16 Village Halls & Knelston School


Port Eynon – Cllr Fisher advised that the VHMC planned to meet with MP Byron Davies in January.


Llandewi Hall – Meeting with Trustees to be arranged by Clerk.


092/16  Knelston Prinmary School – Cllr S Fisher advised that a new Deputy Head had been appointed, members of public raised the matter of how only minor missed attendances seriously affected the school’s SATS ratings.


093/16 Newsletter –  Cllr R Fisher would continue to liaise with Mr Tony Wright of AW Graphics concerning a newsletter.


094/16 Any Other Business:



Date of Next Meeting: Monday 16th January 2017 at 7:30 pm  in the  Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 8:30 pm.                                                        Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher