Draft Minutes of Council Meeting July 2015





Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 20th July 2015 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, and Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland.


Apologies for Absence:         Cllr. A. Wright


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk), and two members of the public who resided in Scurlage.


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


024/15.  Declarations of Interest:     None


025/15  Minutes of Last Meeting (June 2015):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Jones, the proposal was seconded by Cllr, Newland and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


026/15 Enviromental Nuisance at Scurlage

The Chairman agreed to hear a presentation from members of the public concerning recent events held at the South Gower Sports Club in Scurlage. The Council heard that these events had caused considerable disturbance to residents through noise and unruly behaviour, such that formal complaints were made to the City Council Environmental Health Dept. The Council also heard that representations made to the organisers at the time had been met with hostility. Council noted that the members of the public present had elicited opinions from the majority of residents within the central part of Scurlage and all had been affected by the noise of these events.

It was agreed that strong letters should be sent to Environment Dept. re control of noise and adequacy of facilities for large events such as those now being held; Licensing Dept. re sale of alcohol (including to minors) and preparation of food; and Planning Dept re issue of future licenses.


027/15.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Defibrillators. Clerk advised that installation was in progress. Cllr. Jones suggested that a suitable location at Overton could be provided by Mr. Russell Stokes. It was agreed that Mr. stokes should be approached by Cllr. Jones.


Port Eynon Car Park

Port Eynon and Horton public car parks were being closed at 8 pm. A. response had been received from City Council advising that the closing time would be amended when the annual contract was re-let.


028/15.  Finance:


Clerk advised that payment had been made for the defibrillators in the amount of

The bank balances were as follows:


Current Account         £9,460

Savings Account         £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.


029/15.  Planning:


From previous applications:


2015/0014 The Ship Inn, Port Eynon – Alterations to front elevations.

Council considered that the principle of improvements to both the elevations and the interiors was to be welcomed.  Council however were concerned to note that the submitted plans for the existing building indicated that the single storey part of the building was of two storeys and that this error had then been erroneously incorporated in this application for alteration works. Council were unanimous in their decision that the plans should be resubmitted to correct these errors.

Amended submission approved subject to various conditions on 25th June 2015.


2015/0734 Alex Lewis Motors, Llandewi – Erection of additional and new industrial shed. After due consideration Council were of the opinion that the application should be approved.

Conditional approval granted on 16th June 2015.


2015/1042 Llanddewi Castle Farm – Agricultural Building

Demolition of existing stone barn and erection of steel framed agricultural building. Council noted that the existing barn had been severely damaged by fire and that the new barn would provide more appropriate facilities for this active farm. Application was recommended for approval.

Decision pending


New applications


2015/1218 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 Units Social Housing

Amended submission


030/15 Highways & Footpaths.

Cllr. Fisher advised that traffic speeds through Scurlage were excessive and requested Clerk to make enquiries with regard to installation of speed monitoring strips.


Clerk was also requested to make enquiries as to why there were delays in reinstating the road line markings between Llandewi corner and Scurlage following road  repairs.


It was noted that the planned 20 mph limit in Knelston has yet to be impkemented.


031/15 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received in the past four weeks.


032/15 Knelston Burial Ground.  A request had been received for the hedges to be cut and this would be referred to the Trustees.


033/15 Village Halls


Talbot Hall (Port Eynon Village Hall) :  No further developments.


Llandewi Hall – Clerk had invited chair of Trustees to attend a Council meeting in the autumn period.


034/15 Communications  No further developments


035/15 Any Other Business:


Cllr. Fisher requested Clerk to write to to the medical centre to request them to provide give way signs for vehicles exiting the centre car park.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 21st September 2015 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                 Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher